March 31, 2008

First Day Guidelines

To all new employees:

This should go without saying, but an incident today with our new intern has prompted me to issue the following memo reiterating our corporate policy on appropriate first day behavior.

The fundamental tenet of appropriate first day behavior is this: When other people are working and are trying to find you to help out, try to make it a point to not be sitting at the front desk computer playing solitaire. When your boss looks at you incredulously, do not make it worse by complaining how hard it is to win.

On the second day, this may be acceptable. On the first day, however it is not.

Exceptions: If you've been hired for our solitaire department, the above policy does not apply to you.


Captain Emus said...

Hard to argue with that policy...

Aaron said...

And yet, I found myself in that exact situation in real life just minutes prior to this post...

Supercords said...

Says the man who had a bed and TV in his cubicle. :)

Aaron said...


In my defense, however, I believe that non-bed cubicles were a definite minority in that office.